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Arresting is a series of portraits painted by Stephen C. Fischer in the early part of 2016. They were inspired by a collection of mug-shots found in a police log from the 1920s in Sydney, Australia. These paintings were rendered with latex paint on paper and are each approximately 18" x 24".
Cloud Drawings begin with random marks on the page – trying not to lift the pencil off the surface. As this pencil swirling continues, random and often surprising images begin popping up and the rendering begins. More rendering follows.
The finished pencil drawings are scanned and colorize using Photoshop.
The Raven is a story from a collection of Grimm's Fairy Tales. It has all the essential Grimm components: A princess under a spell, a man willing to risk everything to save the princess from the spell, a giant, magic food, preposterous situations and a happy ending. These illustrations were painted on wood and paper with oil and latex paint.
These are charcoal drawings from various life drawing sessions offered in and around the Boston area. I never under-appreciate that people are willing to stand naked and still for what must seem like an eternity while a group of stranger scrutinize their bodies.